2021-08-25 As the researchers did a mass of surveys, we can find that using outdoor exercise machines has become more and more popular. The old use the machine to do their exercises and keep healthy. So how do they use the outdoor exercise machine concretely? Don’t worry, let’s look at the following. How do th
Read More 2021-08-30 Members may feel cheated when the most outdoor fitness equipment is not available. Malfunctioning exercise equipment can also be a major inconvenience to your business, as it may mean fewer customers and less profit. Worse, it could result in a serious injury to a member. To prevent that from happen
Read More 2021-05-20 "Rebounding is the most effective and efficient form of exercise ever devised by man." A. Carter summarized a NASA study in 1979, which NASA published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 1980. Using a mini trampoline (rebounding) can provide a variety of health benefits to the body. Rebounding is an easy activity that almost anyone can do and can provide a way to improve health and fitness levels.
Read More 2021-05-15 Mini trampoline exercises ("bounce" to the experienced) provide excellent total body training. They will target your lower back, quads, cords, glutes, calves and core, while also getting your heart rate up and pumping to combat cardiovascular disease. A new study by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) finds that bouncing on a mini trampoline for less than 20 minutes is just as good for you as running, but feels better and is a lot more fun.
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